Infidelity Therapy

Do Any of These Statements Sound Familiar?

“I Don’t Trust My Partner Anymore”

Infidelity therapy helps couples rebuild trust by addressing the root causes of the betrayal and developing a plan for healing. At South Denver Therapy, we provide a safe space to explore these issues and work towards restoring trust in the relationship.

“We’re Constantly Arguing About the Affair.”

Infidelity therapy provides conflict resolution strategies to help you manage arguments constructively and reduce tension in your relationship. Our sessions focus on teaching effective communication skills to prevent misunderstandings and de-escalate conflicts. By fostering a more respectful dialogue, we aim to help you both feel heard and understood.

“I’m Afraid Our Relationship Will Never Be The Same.”

We guide you through the process of creating a new foundation for your relationship, focusing on honesty, respect, and mutual support. Infidelity therapy helps you understand the changes and challenges you're facing and how to adapt positively. By building new patterns of interaction, we aim to strengthen your partnership for the future.

“I’m Overwhelmed With Guilt For What I’ve Done.”

Infidelity therapy offers a supportive environment to address feelings of guilt and work towards self-forgiveness and mutual understanding. Our therapists help you explore the reasons behind your actions and develop strategies to make amends. By focusing on personal growth and empathy, we guide you towards healing and reconciliation.

“I Feel Betrayed and Don’t Know How to Move Forward.”

Infidelity therapy helps you process feelings of betrayal and develop a clear path forward, focusing on healing and rebuilding trust. We provide a safe and supportive environment to explore your emotions and find ways to cope with the pain. Together, we'll work on strategies to help you regain a sense of stability and hope.

“Is Infidelity Therapy Right for Us?”

If you’re struggling to move past infidelity, our therapy can provide the support and tools you need to heal and rebuild your relationship. A consultation with our experienced therapists can help determine if infidelity therapy is the right fit for your situation, guiding you towards recovery and growth.

What Are The Benefits of Infidelity Therapy?

  • Rebuilding trust and honesty

  • Healing emotional wounds

  • Improved communication skills

  • Understanding the root causes of infidelity

  • Developing strategies to prevent future betrayals

  • Restoring emotional and physical intimacy

  • Enhanced relationship resilience and commitment

Infidelity and Affair Recovery

What to Expect in Infidelity Therapy

Initial Assessment

During the first session, we will conduct an initial assessment to understand the nature of the infidelity, the impact it has had on your relationship, and your goals for therapy. This helps us tailor the therapy to your specific needs.

Discussion of Key Topics

Trust Rebuilding: Learn techniques to restore trust and honesty in your relationship.

Emotional Healing: Develop strategies to process and heal from the emotional pain caused by infidelity.

Communication: Improve communication skills to ensure open and honest dialogue about your feelings and concerns.

Conflict Resolution: Learn how to manage conflicts constructively and prevent future misunderstandings.

Understanding Root Causes: Explore the underlying issues that led to the infidelity and work on resolving them.

Intimacy Restoration: Rebuild both emotional and physical intimacy, creating a stronger bond.

Practical Exercises and Tools

Sessions will include practical exercises to help you apply what you’ve learned. These may involve communication drills, trust-building activities, and homework assignments to practice new skills.

Personalized Guidance

Receive personalized advice and strategies from experienced therapists. Your counselor will provide insights and techniques tailored to your relationship’s specific challenges and strengths.

Building a Resilient Relationship

The goal of infidelity therapy is to help you rebuild a resilient and healthy relationship. You’ll learn how to support each other through the healing process and develop a renewed commitment to your partnership, ensuring a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.

Hi, I’m Kayla! Let’s work together to heal and rebuild trust after infidelity!

As a licensed marriage and family therapist, I specialize in helping couples navigate the difficult journey of healing after infidelity. Through compassionate and personalized therapy sessions, we’ll address the pain and betrayal, work towards rebuilding trust, and strengthen your emotional connection. Together, we’ll develop strategies to foster forgiveness and restore intimacy, creating a path towards a healthier and more resilient relationship. Let’s embark on this journey together to heal and rebuild your partnership.

What Our Couples Say


Do You Accept Insurance?

We do not accept insurance. Insurance companies require a mental health diagnosis to approve therapy and often dictate the method and process of treatment. To ensure we provide the most client-centered care, we operate as a private pay-only practice, tailoring our services to meet your individual needs. However, we do accept HSA and Flex Pay credit cards, and can provide a super bill for you to submit to your insurance company for out-of-network benefits.

60 minutes - $190

90 minutes - $285

120 minutes - $380

How Long Does Infidelity Therapy Typically Last?

Infidelity therapy typically consists of 10 to 20 sessions, depending on the couple’s needs and the severity of the issues being addressed. Each session lasts about 60 to 90 minutes and focuses on rebuilding trust, healing emotional wounds, improving communication, and restoring intimacy. The exact duration can vary based on the complexity of the infidelity, the couple's progress, and their commitment to the healing process. At South Denver Therapy, we tailor the number of sessions to fit your unique situation, ensuring you receive comprehensive support and guidance to rebuild a stronger, more resilient relationship.

Is Therapy Confidential?

Yes, therapy is confidential. At South Denver Therapy, we prioritize your privacy and adhere to strict confidentiality standards. Information shared in therapy sessions remains private and is protected by law, with few exceptions such as imminent risk of harm or legal requirements. Our commitment is to provide a safe, trusting environment where you can openly discuss your concerns without fear of disclosure. Your confidentiality is paramount to us.

Communities We Serve for Infidelity Therapy

Book a FREE 15 Minute Consultation to answer any questions you may have and to make sure we are a good fit!


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