Couples Counseling Intensives

Do Any of These Statements Sound Familiar?

“Our Usual Therapy Sessions Aren’t Enough.”

In our intensive sessions, we dive deeper into the core issues of your relationship, offering extended and concentrated support that goes beyond regular therapy sessions. These sessions are designed to address complex problems more comprehensively. By spending more time together in a shorter period, we can achieve significant breakthroughs and lasting change.

“Our Communication Breakdowns Require Focused Attention.”

We provide intensive sessions that focus specifically on improving communication, teaching effective techniques and tools to enhance understanding and connection between partners. Our approach helps you break down barriers and rebuild effective dialogue. By dedicating concentrated time, we ensure you learn and practice new communication skills that stick.

“We Want To Address Our Issues More Deeply And Quickly.”

Our intensive approach allows for thorough exploration and rapid progress, helping you tackle deep-rooted problems and achieve meaningful breakthroughs in a shorter time frame. We provide a structured environment where intensive focus can lead to quicker resolutions. This method is particularly effective for couples looking to make substantial changes quickly.

“Our Busy Schedules Don’t Allow For Regular Therapy Sessions, So An Intensive Is A Better Fit.”

Our intensive therapy sessions are designed to accommodate busy schedules, offering a flexible and time-efficient way to work on your relationship without the need for frequent visits. We provide substantial progress in a condensed time frame. This flexibility ensures you get the help you need without disrupting your daily life.

“We’re At A Breaking Point And Need Intensive Help.”

Our intensives provide urgent, focused intervention to help couples in crisis, offering immediate strategies and support to stabilize and improve your relationship. We address the most pressing issues with a comprehensive and empathetic approach. The intensive format allows us to develop and implement effective solutions rapidly.

“We Need Help To Navigate A Major Crisis In Our Relationship.”

Our intensive therapy sessions provide immediate and focused support to help you navigate major crises, offering tools and strategies to manage and overcome difficult situations. We address the crisis head-on with a combination of empathy and practical advice. This approach helps you regain stability and move forward constructively.

What Are The Benefits of Couples Counseling Intensives?

  • Significant progress in a shorter amount of time

  • Deeper exploration

  • Better for couples with busy schedules

  • Intensive focus on core issues

  • Can prevent issues from escalating further

  • More effective than weekly traditional couples counseling

What to Expect in a Couples Counseling Intensive

Focused Sessions Our intensive sessions provide a concentrated environment where you can address and work through core issues without the distractions of everyday life. Each session is designed to dive deeply into your relationship dynamics and challenges.

Personalized Guidance Receive personalized advice and strategies from experienced therapists. Your counselor will provide insights and techniques tailored to your relationship’s specific challenges and strengths, ensuring effective and relevant support.

Communication Enhancement Learn and practice effective communication techniques to express your thoughts and feelings more clearly and listen to each other with empathy and understanding. Improved communication is a key focus of our intensives.

Conflict Resolution Develop and refine strategies for managing and resolving conflicts constructively. Our sessions teach you how to handle disputes peacefully and prevent escalation, fostering a more harmonious relationship.

Rebuilding Trust Work on rebuilding trust through transparency and consistent, trust-building behaviors. Our intensive approach provides the time and focus needed to restore honesty and reliability in your relationship.

Emotional and Physical Intimacy Our structured and supportive environment helps you reconnect and rebuild both emotional and physical intimacy. Through guided exercises and discussions, you can foster a deeper connection and stronger bond.

Problem-Solving Skills Enhance your ability to solve problems together by learning and practicing effective problem-solving techniques. This helps you navigate challenges more successfully as a team.

Support for Life Transitions Receive guidance and support to manage significant life changes, such as career shifts, parenting challenges, or relocation. Our intensives help you navigate these transitions smoothly and build resilience.

Holistic Healing Address the emotional, mental, and behavioral aspects of your relationship in a comprehensive manner. Our holistic approach promotes overall healing and growth for both partners.

Rapid Progress Experience substantial progress in a shorter time frame compared to traditional weekly therapy sessions. Our intensive approach allows for quicker resolutions and meaningful breakthroughs.

Practical Exercises and Tools Sessions will include practical exercises to help you apply what you’ve learned. These may involve role-playing, communication drills, and homework assignments to reinforce new skills and behaviors.

Follow-Up and Support After the intensive, we offer follow-up sessions to monitor your progress and provide additional support as needed. This helps ensure that the positive changes you’ve made continue to benefit your relationship.

Marriage Counseling Intensive
Kayla Crane Marriage Counselor

Hi, I’m Kayla! Let’s work together through Couples Counseling Intensives to transform your relationship!

As a licensed marriage and family therapist, I offer specialized Couples Counseling Intensives designed to address your relationship challenges in a focused, immersive setting. These intensives provide extended sessions over one or more days, allowing us to dive deeply into your specific concerns and develop effective strategies for lasting change.

Whether you're facing communication issues, emotional disconnection, or other relationship hurdles, we’ll work intensively to foster understanding, rebuild trust, and strengthen your bond. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together to achieve a healthier, more fulfilling relationship.

What Our Couples Say


Do You Accept Insurance?

We do not accept insurance. Insurance companies require a mental health diagnosis to approve therapy and often dictate the method and process of treatment. To ensure we provide the most client-centered care, we operate as a private pay-only practice, tailoring our services to meet your individual needs. However, we do accept HSA and Flex Pay credit cards, and can provide a super bill for you to submit to your insurance company for out-of-network benefits.

60 minutes - $190

90 minutes - $285

120 minutes - $380

How Long Does Couples Counseling Intensive Typically Last?

Couples Counseling Intensives typically consist of 1 to 3 full-day sessions, depending on the couple’s needs and goals. Each intensive session lasts about 6 to 8 hours and covers essential topics such as communication, conflict resolution, rebuilding trust, and enhancing intimacy. The exact duration can vary based on the complexity of the issues being addressed and the couple's progress. At South Denver Therapy, we tailor the length and structure of the intensive to fit your unique situation, ensuring you receive comprehensive and focused support for significant and lasting improvements in your relationship.

Is Therapy Confidential?

Yes, therapy is confidential. At South Denver Therapy, we prioritize your privacy and adhere to strict confidentiality standards. Information shared in therapy sessions remains private and is protected by law, with few exceptions such as imminent risk of harm or legal requirements. Our commitment is to provide a safe, trusting environment where you can openly discuss your concerns without fear of disclosure. Your confidentiality is paramount to us.


Infidelity Therapy


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