EMDR Therapy Near Colorado Springs

Effective EMDR therapy near Colorado Springs to help you heal from trauma and anxiety. In-person and virtual sessions available!

Heal, Thrive, And Overcome With Our EMDR Therapy!

We are committed to helping you progress toward growth and healing. If you've been searching for a way to overcome trauma, improve emotional regulation, and experience rapid relief from distressing memories, you've come to the right place.

Our EMDR therapy near Colorado Springs is designed to be gentle, effective, and empowering. Located just a 30-minute drive from Colorado Springs, we offer convenient in-person sessions to help you work through trauma and anxiety. If the drive is too far or doesn't fit into your schedule, we also offer virtual sessions, so you can access therapy from the comfort of your own home. Start your journey to healing today and move toward a brighter, healthier future with our expert EMDR therapy services.

EMDR Therapy near Colorado Springs

How Effective Is EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, has emerged as a promising psychotherapeutic approach for individuals grappling with trauma-related symptoms, especially those with concurrent psychiatric conditions.

Studies suggest its efficacy in alleviating distress stemming from traumatic experiences. By integrating eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation, EMDR helps reprocess distressing memories, reducing their emotional impact.

Its success in addressing a spectrum of psychiatric comorbidities alongside trauma underscores its versatility.

EMDR therapy stands as a potentially effective intervention, offering hope for those navigating complex mental health challenges.

EMDR Therapist in Colorado Springs

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is a powerful, evidence-based approach to addressing trauma and emotional distress. As a licensed therapist, I am dedicated to guiding you through this transformative process, helping you resolve past traumas and improve your overall well-being. In our sessions, we will work together to reprocess painful memories, reduce emotional distress, and build healthier coping mechanisms. Let’s embark on this journey to healing and recovery, enabling you to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Hi, I’m Kayla! Let’s work together to heal, and transform through EMDR Therapy!

How EMDR Therapy Can Help

Trauma Processing Therapy | South Denver Therapy

Trauma Resolution

EMDR Therapy helps people process and release the emotional weight of traumatic events, allowing them to move forward with their lives.

Mental Health Improvement | South Denver Therapy

Symptom Reduction

You can improve overall mental health and effectively reduce symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Fast Therapy Results | South Denver Therapy

Rapid Improvement

EMDR Therapy often leads to faster and more noticeable improvements compared to traditional talk therapy, making it a valuable choice for those seeking efficient solutions to their challenges.

Memory Reprocessing | South Denver Therapy

Memory Reconsolidation

Through this approach, individuals can reprocess distressing memories, gradually reducing their emotional intensity and enabling them to manage these memories more effectively, leading to emotional healing.

Emotion Management Skills | South Denver Therapy

Improved Emotional Regulation

EMDR Therapy equips individuals with valuable tools to manage their emotions better, enabling them to respond more effectively to life's stressors and promoting emotional stability.

Self-Awareness Development | South Denver Therapy

Better Self-Understanding

Fostering deeper self-awareness and insights into one's reactions and behaviors, facilitates personal growth and a greater understanding of oneself and one's past experiences.

Why Choose Us For EMDR Therapy

Experienced Therapists | South Denver Therapy

Expertise and Experience 

Our therapists bring 6 years of expertise and experience in trauma therapy, ensuring you receive the highest level of care.

Non-Judgmental Counselling | South Denver Therapy

Non-judgmental and Compassionate

We offer a non-judgmental and compassionate space where you can share what you want without the fear of being judged.

Sensitivity to Cultural Differences | South Denver Therapy

Cultural Sensitivity

We understand that everyone has their unique background and experiences, so we're committed to being culturally sensitive and respectful towards your individuality. 

Complimentary Consultation | South Denver Therapy

Free Consultation

We offer a free 15-minute consultation to talk about your needs and expectations to ensure that we are the right fit for you.

Privacy Assurance| South Denver Therapy

Confidentiality & Privacy

We understand the importance of privacy when discussing personal matters and guarantee that your information is safe with us. 

LGBTQ+ acceptance | South Denver Therapy


Our center is a haven for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We're proud to be an LGBTQ-friendly space that embraces everyone with open arms.

What Our Clients Say

Best EMDR Therapist

Top Rated EMDR Therapy Near Colorado Springs

At South Denver Therapy, we pride ourselves on offering top-rated EMDR therapy near Colorado Springs. Our approach to EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is designed to help individuals heal from trauma, anxiety, and distressing memories in a safe and supportive environment. With Kayla’s expertise and compassionate care, you’ll be guided through a structured, evidence-based process that promotes rapid relief and long-term healing. Whether you're struggling with PTSD, emotional regulation, or unresolved trauma, EMDR therapy can help you regain control of your life.

Located just 30 minutes from Colorado Springs, our office is easily accessible for in-person sessions, but we also offer convenient virtual appointments if the drive is too far. EMDR is a highly effective method that works by helping the brain process difficult memories in a new way, allowing you to release the emotional weight associated with them. With Kayla’s guidance, you’ll develop the tools to overcome past traumas and build a brighter, healthier future.

If you’re ready to start your healing journey with one of the top-rated EMDR therapists near Colorado Springs, contact us today. We are committed to helping you experience relief from trauma and move toward lasting emotional well-being. Book a Free consultation today!

Our Services

Couples counseling is a roadmap for strengthening your relationship. It focuses on enhancing communication, resolving conflicts, and deepening your emotional connection, ensuring you both grow together through life's challenges.

Premarital counseling is a helpful guidebook for your relationship. It's all about preparing you both for the journey ahead, tackling things like communication, conflict resolution, and expectations.

When trust takes a hit, it can be tough to figure things out. That's where infidelity therapy steps in. It's a safe space to navigate through the tough emotions, rebuild trust, and work on healing after infidelity.

Couples Counseling Intensive Aurora

Our Couples Intensive is all about bringing back the love flame. With custom exercises and guidance, find again the closeness and understanding, making your love shine bright once more.

Unburden Yourself From Your Past - Book Our Session Today To Speed Up Your Healing Process!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The number of EMDR therapy sessions required for optimal results can vary from person to person. During your initial consultation, our experienced therapists work with you to assess your unique needs and develop a personalized treatment plan.

  • We understand that flexibility is crucial for our clients, so we offer in-person and online EMDR therapy sessions. You can choose the option that best suits your preferences and needs.

    Whether you prefer the convenience of virtual sessions or the comfort of face-to-face interactions, our therapists are here to accommodate your choice and provide the support you require.

  • We maintain strict confidentiality standards, ensuring all your personal information and discussions remain private and secure.

    Your well-being and comfort are central to our approach, and we are dedicated to providing you with a therapeutic experience that promotes healing and personal growth.