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Deepening Emotional Intimacy: Importance, Tips and Barriers

Emotional intimacy is the glue that binds a healthy and fulfilling relationship. It allows you to connect with your partner on a deep and meaningful level, sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings, and feeling safe and supported in return. 

Emotional intimacy goes beyond physical and intellectual attraction; it is the foundation for a strong and lasting bond of trust and understanding. 

In this article, we will explore the importance of emotional intimacy in a relationship and provide practical tips on how to build and deepen emotional intimacy with your partner. 

Understanding the significance of emotional intimacy can help you to create a more meaningful and fulfilling relationship, one that is built on trust, security, and love.

The Importance of Emotional Intimacy

The importance of emotional intimacy in a relationship cannot be overstated. Building a strong and lasting connection with your partner is essential; without it, a relationship can feel shallow and unfulfilling. Emotional intimacy can bring a sense of security, comfort, and support to a relationship, which can lead to greater satisfaction and happiness. 

1. It Allows You to Communicate Openly and Honestly with Your Partner

When you feel emotionally connected to someone, you feel safe and supported in sharing your thoughts and feelings with them. This, in turn, can help you to resolve conflicts more effectively, as you are better able to express your needs and feelings without fear of judgment or rejection. 

2. It Allows You to Feel More Connected and Secure with Your Partner

When you feel emotionally connected, you are more likely to trust your partner, which can lead to greater intimacy and closeness. This can help to strengthen your relationship and create a deeper sense of love and commitment. 

3. It Can Help to Deepen Your Understanding of Your Partner

When you are emotionally connected to someone, you are more likely to be attuned to their needs and feelings. This can help you to be more supportive and empathetic towards your partner, which can create a stronger bond of trust and understanding. 

4. It Help to Create a Sense of Shared Purpose and Meaning in Your Relationship

When you feel emotionally connected to your partner, you are more likely to share your hopes, dreams, and goals with them. This can create a shared vision for your future, which can help to create a sense of purpose and direction in your relationship. 

5. It Can Help to Create a Sense of Safety and Comfort in Your Relationship

When you feel emotionally connected to your partner, you are more likely to feel comfortable being yourself around them. This can create a sense of security and safety in your relationship, which can help to strengthen your bond and create a deeper sense of trust and understanding. 

6. It Can Help to Create a Sense of Joy and Fulfillment in Your Relationship

When you feel emotionally connected to your partner, you are more likely to experience moments of deep connection and intimacy. These moments can bring a sense of joy and fulfillment to your relationship, which can help to create a stronger bond of love and commitment. 

Common Barriers to Emotional Intimacy

Despite its importance, many couples struggle to build emotional intimacy in their relationship. Some common barriers to emotional intimacy include:

1. Fear of Vulnerability

Many people fear being vulnerable with their partner because they worry about being judged or rejected. They may also have past experiences of being hurt or betrayed, which makes it difficult for them to open up emotionally.

2. Lack of Communication

Communication is essential for building emotional intimacy, but many couples struggle to communicate effectively. They may avoid difficult conversations or fail to express their feelings clearly, which can create misunderstandings and distance in the relationship.

3. Busy Lifestyles

Busy work schedules, social commitments, and other obligations can make it difficult to find time for an emotional connection with your partner. This can lead to a lack of intimacy and emotional distance in the relationship.

4. Past Trauma

Past traumatic experiences can create a significant barrier to emotional intimacy in relationships. Trauma can lead to a fear of vulnerability, difficulty trusting others, and a lack of emotional regulation. When unresolved, past trauma can impact the ability to form deep emotional connections with others, including romantic partners.

5. Differences in Attachment Styles

Attachment styles are developed during childhood and influence how individuals form relationships throughout their lives. People with different attachment styles may struggle to form deep emotional connections due to differences in communication styles, difficulty with vulnerability, and a lack of understanding of each other's emotional needs. 

These differences can create barriers to emotional intimacy that must be addressed to build a more fulfilling relationship.

6. Lack of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others effectively. A lack of emotional intelligence can create a barrier to emotional intimacy in relationships, as it may be difficult to communicate effectively, express feelings, and empathize with your partner's emotions. 

Developing emotional intelligence skills can help you to build a stronger connection with your partner and deepen emotional intimacy in your relationship.

Tips for Building Emotional Intimacy

Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to build emotional intimacy with your partner. Here are some tips to help you deepen your emotional connection:

1. Practice Vulnerability

To build emotional intimacy, you need to be willing to be vulnerable with your partner. This means expressing your feelings, fears, and insecurities openly and honestly, even if it feels uncomfortable. When you practice vulnerability, you demonstrate trust in your partner and encourage them to do the same.

2. Communicate Effectively

Communication is key to building emotional intimacy. Make time to talk with your partner regularly, and be open and honest about your feelings and needs. Practice active listening and validate your partner's feelings to create a safe and supportive environment for emotional connection.

3. Prioritize Quality Time

Make time for emotional connection with your partner by prioritizing quality time together. This can involve planning regular date nights, taking a walk together, or simply spending time talking and cuddling. The more time you spend together, the more opportunities you have to deepen your emotional connection.

4. Practice Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share your partner's feelings. When you practice empathy, you demonstrate that you care about your partner's emotions and are willing to support them through difficult times. This can help deepen your emotional connection and create a stronger bond of trust and understanding.

5. Share Your Dreams and Goals

Sharing your hopes, dreams, and goals with your partner can help you build emotional intimacy by creating a shared vision for your future. Talk about your aspirations and how you can support each other in achieving them. This can help you feel more connected and invested in your relationship.

6. Show Physical Affection

Physical touch is an important part of emotional intimacy. Make time for cuddling, kissing, and other forms of physical affection to deepen your emotional connection. This can help you feel more connected and supported by your partner.

7. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can help you to cultivate a more positive and loving attitude toward your partner. Focus on the things you appreciate about your partner and express your gratitude regularly. This can create a more loving and supportive environment that fosters emotional intimacy and deepens your connection with your partner.

8. Be Open to Change

Relationships are dynamic and constantly evolving. Being open to change and growth can help you to deepen emotional intimacy in your relationship. This may involve trying new things together, exploring new hobbies or interests, or addressing areas of conflict and working together to find solutions. 

Being willing to grow and change together can help you to build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.


Building emotional intimacy with your partner is essential for a healthy, fulfilling, and long-lasting relationship. It requires vulnerability, effective communication, quality time, empathy, and physical affection. Emotional intimacy can bring a sense of security, comfort, and support to a relationship, leading to greater satisfaction and happiness. 

However, common barriers such as fear of vulnerability, lack of communication, busy lifestyles, past trauma, differences in attachment styles, and lack of emotional intelligence may hinder the development of emotional intimacy. 

By being aware of these barriers and implementing practical tips such as practicing gratitude and being open to change, you can deepen your emotional connection with your partner and create a stronger bond of trust and understanding. 

Remember, building emotional intimacy takes time and effort, but the rewards of a strong and fulfilling relationship are well worth it.

Are you feeling stuck in your marriage? Are you struggling to communicate effectively with one another? If so, you may benefit from marriage counseling. Turn to South Denver Therapy today to schedule marriage counseling in Castle Rock. Our therapists are here to help you and your partner navigate whatever challenges you may be facing. Contact us now to schedule your appointment!

You can also check out our free resources like our Couples Communication Workbook or our Couples Journal and Worksheets, which you can download to help you on your path.